Monday, November 22, 2010

While we were sleeping

We are counting our blessings today on the beginning of Thanksgiving week. We woke up Sunday morning to discover that a thief had been in our house during the night while we slept. Apparently a tool like a car jack was used to pry open the bars on a kitchen window enough for a person to squeeze through. We have two dogs that bark faithfully, but for some reason they failed us last night.

With all the bad news that is often reported of Jamaicans losing their lives in robberies, we are especially thankful to the LORD that we are alive to tell about his grace. We lost a laptop computer and some cash, easy things to replace. We are happy to be unharmed.

The writer of the Proverbs reminds us of God's sovereign grace in good and bad circumstances, that he foreordains everything that comes to pass, even break-ins, and nothing can happen to us that does not first pass by his permission: "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases." (Prov. 21:1) We are very thankful that He is still in charge of the hearts of kings and robbers.

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