Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Thank God for generous people

Prov. 22:9 "A generous man will himself be blessed." I'm thankful to you, Father, for guys like Matt Kilby, who give generously to others. Matt took our van for 3 weeks and carefully went through it to fix things that were broken or needing maintenance, replacing a headlight, fixing an oil leak, repairing the A/C system, etc. to make certain that it was safe for traveling with our family for so many miles we will travel this summer. And even though he earns his living through working on cars, Matt did not charge us anything! Here is another reason for praising You. So make your faithful promise work for Matt that blessing will come to him, spiritually, mentally, materially, every way possible, for his generosity to others. And keep reminding us of Your own amazing generosity, your reckless abandon to giving your all to us in the Cross of Christ.

1 comment:

Brother Tippy said...

Wow!!! What a blessing Billy!

Matt sounds like he needs a vacation though...I "know of" a room in mid-Michigan that "could be" made available to Matt, should he want to come to Michigan to make sure MY work van is safe and reliable for Tippy and his family! WOOOOOO!!

Amen buddy, I know that has to be a huge weight off your mind. And Matt, I believe God will bless you greatly for what you have done!

Brother Tippy