Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I was reading Proverbs 23 this morning and have seen this "eagle" in full flight! "Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven." (v. 5)

But I'm encouraged that what Jesus prays for me in John 17 is not for more earthly riches that tend to make themselves wings, but for the "full measure of his joy" (v. 13), joy that stays with you!

Jerram Barrs writes about our "dilemma" with joy in The Heart of Prayer--What Jesus Teaches Us: "Is this full measure of joy what we experience as we reflect on our lives? Is this full measure of joy what we expect or even hope for? Do we, in fact, pray for a full measure of joy? Do we believe that such joy is possible?...Maybe we don't even want joy. Perhaps we desire personal fulfillment and happiness instead--fulfillment and happiness as we define them, or rather fulfillment and happiness as our culture defines them for us: comfort, financial security, a good job, a nice home, a decent car (or two or three), moderately up-to-date clothes of good cut ad quality, a beautiful wife or handsome husband, healthy and gifted complete your list of what you think might make you happy and fulfilled." (185)

Let's pray for joy, not a little joy, but the full measure!

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