Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

It's great to be in America on the 4th of July! Yesterday we celebrated Independence Day by joining in worship with Antioch Baptist Church, Camden, NJ. Pastor John Parker and his dear wife, Marianne, are so encouraging and supportive of missions and ministry in Jamaica. Pray for Pastor and Mrs. Parker as they celebrate 31 years of faithful ministry there, and pray for the strengthening of the church in every way.

Later in the evening we tried to drive over to Philly to see their famous fireworks display, but our GPS let us down by getting us turned around in the heart of inner-city Camden. Just one more adventure!

We are happy to be free and happy that we are his. Happy to be royal priests serving him "who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his him be glory forever and ever." (Rev. 1: 5-6)

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