Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Love at first sight

Today is my anniversary, 26 years of lovely benefits of marriage to a lovely lady. Next to life itself, this Sweetheart is the most lovely benefit that God has blessed me with.

Knowing that all good things come directly from the hand of a gracious heavenly Father (the not so good things too), and nothing happens by chance, my heart is filled with gratitude to Him for bringing her into my life and for continually strengthening and sustaining our love. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” (Ps. 102:3)

Sherry, in thinking back to the very first day that we met, (in a country church the summer of my sixteenth year!) I remember it well. I first laid eyes on you from behind, your long, blond hair was captivating. And when you turned around and looked at me, Oh, my heart skipped. You introduced yourself, and my world changed.

1 comment:

McDonald in Missions said...

Happy Belated Anniversary. It was 25 years for Kathy and I on May 18th. May God continue to bless you and your ministries in Jamaica