Thursday, February 28, 2013

While working at a summer camp last year, I overheard a conversation between two co-workers.   One was describing his future plans, when the other asked him if he'd ever thought about bringing his family into overseas ministry.  His reply was, “Oh, no.  I could never do that to my kids.”  He then looked over at me and said, "no offense, Caleb."  :) 

As a “Missionary Kid,” I don’t think I’ve been damaged by living overseas.  At first, I was unhappy about my dad’s decision to move us to Jamaica for full-time ministry, but as I grew more mature, I learned that I needed to trust God that he knew what was best and was working out the details.   Now after living in Jamaica for almost 5 years, God has opened my eyes more to the Kingdom work that needs to be done before Christ comes back.   I’ve had my share of experiences in choosing to obey God’s calling to go to be a witness of the Gospel to others, no matter if they live in the United States or in a foreign country.  

Being a “Missionary Kid” in a foreign country has helped me see beyond my interests and life goals to God’s plan for my life, and how I can organize these goals to give God the most glory.   The lessons he has taught me have played a big part in shaping who I am, and I will remember them for many years to come.  

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